Signs Of Magnesium Deficiency And How It Develops

Do you know what symptoms can indicate a magnesium deficiency in your body? You might have heard that muscle cramps are probably caused by low magnesium, but there are many more symptoms related to magnesium deficiency that you might not be aware of. These low levels of magnesium, called “hypomagnesemia” can be identified through symptoms and confirmed through blood tests. 

Magnesium deficiency can impact many functions in the body. Research suggests that most of the population doesn’t get sufficient magnesium for the body to be healthy. Some might experience minor symptoms because of the deficiency while others may develop serious diseases. Low magnesium levels can influence health factors like muscle performance, cardiovascular health, bone health, energy production and related nutrient deficiencies. It can also be related to some chronic diseases like diabetes, osteoporosis and hypertension. 


How Does A Magnesium Deficiency Develop? 


Magnesium is a mineral naturally obtained in the body from foods, but can also be taken as a supplement. The body can not produce magnesium, thus it is gained from food or supplements. 

There are a few main causes of magnesium deficiency that should be taken into consideration. 


Diet And Processed Foods


Due to processed foods and cooking, there are lower magnesium levels in the foods we take in and thus a deficiency develops in the body. When your body is not given enough magnesium, it will start drawing magnesium from where magnesium is mainly stored – in the bones and muscles. The body will try to maintain the magnesium levels for essential functions, but this has its consequences on bone health. 


Malabsorption And Medication 


Furthermore, a magnesium deficiency can also be caused by certain medications and poor absorption, called malabsorption. Malabsorption means that there are high levels of magnesium available in the body, but it can not be absorbed properly. 

Some medications can lead to a decrease in magnesium. This possible side-effect of some medications will be referred to as “hypomagnesemia”, which can be found in the patient information pamphlet of medications. These medications include certain antibiotics, some acid blockers for heartburn or reflux, some antiviral agents, statins, certain blood pressure medications and diuretics. This doesn’t mean that such medication should not be taken, but it is only informative information. 

Gastrointestinal factors can cause poor magnesium absorption, including acute or chronic diarrhea, vomiting, inflammatory bowel diseases and celiac disease. Those who’ve had a gastric bypass surgery may also have the risk of low magnesium absorption. 


Excretion Of Magnesium Through The Kidneys 


The kidneys are the organs responsible for the excretion of magnesium through urine. The kidneys have to maintain normal magnesium levels in the body. 

Kidney problems, like kidney failure, can cause the kidneys to excrete too much magnesium. Other factors also influence the kidneys, such as alcohol use, medication like digoxin and diuretics as well as chemotherapy medications. 


Other Conditions Causing Hypomagnesemia 


Some diseases can cause low magnesium in the body. Research suggests that diabetes, Crohn’s disease and thyroid disorders increase the risk of magnesium deficiency. 




Research shows that magnesium absorption decreases with age. It is recommended that people above 60 years should take a magnesium supplement when a medical professional can confirm that the use of a magnesium supplement is safe. 


What Signs To Look Out For In Magnesium Deficiency


The first signs of magnesium deficiency include the following:

  • Muscle cramps
  • Fatigue and muscle weakness
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Nausea and vomiting

An untreated magnesium deficiency can develop into more serious symptoms. The most prevalent symptoms through research include: 

  • Muscle twitching and tremors (involuntary movements)
  • Numbness or tingling 
  • Personality changes 
  • Migraines 
  • Abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia) 
  • Muscle contractions

Magnesium deficiency can lead to chronic diseases including: 

  • High blood pressure
  • Seizures
  • Type 2 diabetes 
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cardiovascular diseases


How To Test For Magnesium Deficiency


A doctor can do a blood test or a urine test for magnesium levels. A blood serum test will indicate a state of hypomagnesemia with levels of less than 1.75 millimoles per liter (mmol/liter). 

However, a blood serum test may not be sufficient to indicate an underlying deficiency. As the body tries to maintain the optimal magnesium levels in the blood, it will draw magnesium from the main store of magnesium: the bones. It can also be taken from the muscles. This means the blood levels may be normal, but the deficiency will be in the bones of muscle tissue. 


Treatment For Magnesium Deficiency 


The first attempt to increase your magnesium levels should be to modify your diet. Your diet is important for many minerals and nutrients you get each day. Include foods that are rich in magnesium to increase the magnesium intake with a diet. Magnesium-rich foods include green vegetables, dry beans and black beans, whole grains, nuts, avo, etc. 

A magnesium supplement can also be taken to increase your magnesium to normal levels. Various magnesium supplements are available. Consult your healthcare provider to find the best suit for your needs. 

Anyone experiencing symptoms of magnesium deficiency should see a doctor to find out if any underlying conditions cause magnesium deficiency. A doctor should first be consulted before any supplements are taken, to make sure that it is safe to use with other medications. 

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Dr. Suzaan Jansen

BDS University of Western Cape; Dentist

Dané Kleynhnas

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Cosette Greyling

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