How Stress Affects Your Emotions

Stress can arise for various reasons, such as moving to a new home, losing a job, or starting a family. It is normal for individuals to feel more emotional when they are under stress. People may experience a range of symptoms when stressed.


What Are the Causes of Emotional Stress?


Emotional stress can stem from various factors. Work-related stress, for example, includes concerns about job performance, job security, burnout, long working hours, and poor working conditions. Major life changes, such as moving, getting married, getting divorced, or having a child, can also lead to emotional stress.

Living in areas with limited resources, facing racism and discrimination, can contribute to stress as well. Other contributing factors include poor health habits, limited access to healthcare, parenting challenges, and inadequate child care. Unresolved trauma, mental health conditions, and chronic health conditions are also significant sources of emotional stress.


What Is the Relationship Between Depression and Stress?


When we encounter stress, it activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which is the body’s hormonal response system to stress. This response system releases glucocorticoids, including the hormone cortisol, into the bloodstream. One way that stress can increase the risk of developing depression is by affecting the HPA axis in this manner. Reduced hippocampal volume may lead to symptoms of depression.

Symptoms of depression include difficulty feeling motivated or hopeful, struggling to enjoy normal daily activities such as eating, sex, and social interactions, difficulty sleeping, irritability, and an inability to concentrate. Psychological stress may contribute to the development of depression.


Treatment options for depression:

  • Antidepressants
  • Psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
  • Electroconvulsive therapy for severe depressive symptoms


What Is the Relationship Between Anxiety and Stress?


Anxiety is a mental health condition in which individuals experience high levels of stress in response to perceived threatening situations or events. There are various types of anxiety disorders, each with its own unique symptoms; however, common signs include feeling fearful or stressed about a particular situation or in general, experiencing a rapid heartbeat, sweating, and dizziness.

A 2015 study examined the association between work-related stress, anxiety, and depression. The findings suggested that work in service industries and globalisation can increase job-related stress, potentially impacting overall life and home stress. Anxiety and depression risks were notably higher among individuals experiencing job insecurity and stress at home.


Treatment options for anxiety:

  • Antidepressants, such as citalopram and venlafaxine
  • Benzodiazepines for short-term anxiety management
  • Beta-blockers to control rapid heart rate and other physical symptoms
  • Psychotherapy


What Is the Relationship Between Irritability and Stress?


Research has shown that high levels of stress can lead to irritability and anger in some people, potentially increasing their risk of developing coronary heart disease. Furthermore, studies indicate that anger and stress have a cyclical relationship. Those who suppress their anger may experience greater stress than those who express it safely, which could lead to more intense feelings of anger over time.


Treatment options for irritability:

  • Mindfulness techniques
  • Anger management techniques
  • Reducing stress


The Relationship Between Mood Swings and Stress


Stress can cause mood swings in various ways. For example, sudden mood shifts are a common symptom of depression. Additionally, other stress-related factors can also lead to mood swings. It was found that children and teenagers who used social media frequently tended to experience mood swings and body dissatisfaction due to negative comparisons with others. Another study has shown that sleep disruption can increase stress levels, resulting in sudden mood swings.


Treatment options for mood swings:

Mood swings are common and do not always require medical intervention. However, if they arise from specific circumstances, such as social media usage, taking a break or avoiding those situations may help. In cases where mood swings are linked to a medical condition, such as sleep disruption, or if they significantly affect daily activities, seeking medical advice is recommended. A doctor can diagnose underlying conditions and offer suitable treatment.


The Relationship Between Loneliness, Isolation, and Stress


Stress and loneliness are closely related. When individuals feel lonely or socially isolated, their HPA axis (the stress-response system) becomes more active, leading to stress. Similarly, experiencing stress can increase the activity of the HPA axis, which may lead to social isolation and feelings of loneliness. Additionally, those who feel lonely and isolated are more likely to develop unhealthy lifestyle habits that elevate stress levels.


Treatment options for loneliness and isolation:

Individuals experiencing loneliness or isolation may benefit from forming or joining a social network. This could include spending more time with family or friends or meeting new people by joining support groups, classes, clubs, or attending social events.

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AdeaHealth Writing
Dr. Suzaan Jansen

BDS University of Western Cape; Dentist

Dané Kleynhnas

Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm & PCDT)

Cosette Greyling

Bachelor of Pharmacy
(BPharm & MPharm)

Salomé Jacobs


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